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Library Regulations


  • Library is readily available.
  • Identity card or student card is required for registration.
  • Any change of address or telephone number should be immediately reported.
  • Each time, readers can borrow 3 books for the period of 1 month, 3 cassettes for 2 weeks, 2 CDs for 1 week and 2 video tapes for 3 days.
  • After the deadline items must be returned or the period of borrowing should be prolonged. All the changes should be done in the library. However, if other readers are waiting for certain items, these must be returned as soon as possible.
  • In case of losing or destroying an item, reader should try to purchase the same title. If not possible, money equivalent should be paid in to the library.
  • Cassettes must not be played on the damaged cassette players.
  • In case of borrowing damaged cassette or CD, please inform the librarian.
  • Before returning, the cassettes should be rewound.
  • Help of any kind is very much welcomed - look at link "volunteers".
  • Any sum of money donated for our library is tremendously helpful and is wholly used on purchase of new books, cassettes and Christian magazines - look at link "contact us".
  • Any comments on books or activity of our library are very useful for us.

Centrum Misji i Ewangelizacji

Copyright © 2006 by Chwastek Paweł.
All right reserved.

Library For Everyone
43-430 Skoczów
ul.Zofii Kossak Szatkowskiej 74
tel. 033-853-06-05