Prayer list
Let’s pray for:
- The spiritual growth in Jesus Christ of the library workers, it's readers, volunteers, sponsors and other supporting people
- For more and more people to come to our library, to make use of its collection and to engage in its work to help
- For raising further finances to purchase new books, audio and video cassettes and CDs, office articles and be able to pay for advertisement and phone calls
- New ideas in advertising (website, a billboard, ads in the regional newspapers, radio ads)
- A skillful making of the catalogue of books and cassettes in the computer
- Making of the catalogue of musical cassettes, video cassettes and CDs
- A further development of the meetings of young adults that have been taking place in our library
- Development and professionalism of biblical counseling
- A further extension of the library rooms in 2010 and for finances necessary for that
- A spiritual revival in Skoczow
- Missionaries - blessings and effectiveness in the work they have been doing in far away countries
- More people willing to write short books, cassettes and CDs reviews
We thank for:
- God’s blessings and people supporting the library in many ways
- About 1600 readers, 20 volunteers, 2 workers and sponsors
- Constant purchase of new publications in spite of a difficult financial situation - now we have about 6700 books, 3200 cassettes, 150 video cassettes, 400 CDs, several CD-ROMS and 50 DVDs
- The continuous growth in reading
- The computer with the proper programs
- The phone and internet access
- The growth of the meetings taking place in the library
- The collection of books that we can place in our library or give to other libraries in our system
- More than 3500 summaries of the books and more than 700 descriptions to audio cassettes
- Advertising in magazines and distribution of several thousands of library brochures
- The making of many covers for the audio cassettes that didn't have them
- The old card catalogue
- 20 years of experience in the library work
- Legal advisors