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Mission Work


Since many years we have had contacts with Polish missionaries.
First we met Agnieszka and Michał - Chakasia (Southern Siberia), then Sylwia Pinkas - “Doulos” - ship of OM (Africa), also Basia and Andrzej Cieślar - Kazakhstan, Beata Woźna - Papua New Guinea, and Łukasz Bujok - a missionary amongst sportsmen. For a long time we have also known Iwona and Daniel Eifling, who serve as missionaries in Poland. In 2006 our voluntary - Renia Szarek went on the mission to Moldavia. By means of the internet we have constant contact with her as well as with the other missionaries. From time to time they also visit us and then we organize meetings with them where all the interested people can come.

In this area we want to become more and more active, because mission is the main task of the church of Jesus Christ.


And here are the mission organizations that we have contacts with:

Centrum Misji i Ewangelizacji

Copyright © 2006 by Chwastek Paweł.
All right reserved.

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